Tele Columbus to Launch Next-Gen Hybrid Android TV Service

German operator taps NAGRA, 3SS and Sagemcom to deliver future-ready technology platform to increase choice and flexibility for viewers

Cheseaux-sur-Lausanne, Switzerland, Phoenix (AZ), USA May 25, 2023NAGRA, a Kudelski Group (SIX:KUD.S) company and the world’s leading independent provider of content protection and media and entertainment solutions, today announced that German operator Tele Columbus selected NAGRA as its solution provider and prime integrator to launch its new hybrid cable and multiscreen solution, PŸUR TV. This will expand Tele Columbus’ offering beyond cable to deliver advanced Hybrid/OTT features to subscribers.

PŸUR TV is set to increase subscriber loyalty, expand reach and open new monetization opportunities by empowering Tele Columbus to provide customers with a richer entertainment experience beyond a basic cable offering. Core to the PŸUR TV offering is NAGRA’s SaaS OpenTV Video and Security Services Platforms integrated with 3SS’s 3Ready app platform to deliver an end-to-end, state of the art service across TV and streaming devices.

“The television business has changed dramatically in the last few years. With PŸUR TV, we now have a powerful product to offer our customers an outstanding entertainment experience and continue to grow in the face of competition,” said Markus Oswald, Chief Executive Officer at Tele Columbus. “With PŸUR TV, traditional linear television is greatly enhanced with new features and combined with OTT content to create a comprehensive entertainment experience for our customers.” adds Lars Lanske, Head of TV & on Demand Products at PŸUR, who is in charge of the project.

NAGRA’s OpenTV Video Platform is the core solution to address Tele Columbus’ aggregation challenges. 3SS’ 3Ready Framework is a complementary key technology foundation for the service, delivering a custom-designed and unified experience across hybrid set-top-boxes and major streaming devices. When combined, the result is a compelling and flexible Android TV and multiscreen solution that offers AI-enhanced personalized discovery and a superior UX.

“NAGRA’s best-of-breed partner ecosystem and global industry experience puts us in a unique position to truly understand the challenges customers, like Tele Columbus, face. Our mission is to bring together cohesive and tailored solutions that help them reach business goals,” said Nancy Goldberg, Executive Vice President and Chief Marketing and Sales Officer at NAGRA. “Together with 3SS, Harmonic, Broadpeak and Sagemcom, we’re delivering truly world-class video entertainment to Tele Columbus subscribers.”

Tele Columbus’ new service will feature OTT services, including Netflix, Prime Video and YouTube, as part of its hybrid DVB-C (cable) plus OTT Android TV STB, Smart TV and iOS and Android mobile device delivery. The hybrid solution will complement live TV with advanced features, such catchup, startover, timeshift, PVR and full compliance with the requirements of content owners and/or German legislation.

“We are extremely proud to have been selected by Tele Columbus to deliver this landmark next-generation project,“ said Stefan Blickensdoerfer, 3SS CTO. “The joint proposition of the NAGRA Open TV Video Platform deeply integrated with 3Ready represents a truly leading-edge, future-ready solution which will enable Tele Columbus to achieve its business objectives, now and going forward, while ensuring superior user experiences for subscribers.”

Olivier Taravel, SEVP, Audio Video Solutions Business Unit, Sagemcom, commented: “We have been partnering with NAGRA for years in providing advanced digital TV set-top boxes to operators, and we are proud to have been chosen by Tele Columbus as supplier of their next-gen 4K UHD Android TV hybrid STB for the deployment of PŸUR TV”.

In addition to NAGRA, 3SS and Sagemcom, the multi-vendor solution includes Harmonic’s transcoding and packaging headend and Broadpeak CDN.


NAGRA, the digital TV division of the Kudelski Group (SIX:KUD.S), provides security and multiscreen user experience solutions for the monetization of digital media. The company provides content providers and DTV operators worldwide with secure, open and integrated platforms and applications over broadcast, broadband and mobile platforms, enabling compelling and personalized viewing experiences. Please visit for more information. Follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn.

About 3 Screen Solutions (3SS)

3SS delivers experiences people love. We enable seamless entertainment experiences across all screens, for and together with service providers worldwide. 3SS is the go-to partner to co-create the best possible services in an agile, open and collaborative way. Founded in 2009, we are an acknowledged leader in system integration, software engineering, UI/UX design innovation and solution architecture. We created 3Ready, the world’s leading Entertainment Ecosystem, to accelerate launches of entertainment services on all devices, co-create and enable customer-centric innovation. The award-winning 3Ready product platform counts 20 operators with 50 million users reach, and two automotive projects. Major operators worldwide rely on 3SS innovation. These include A1 Telekom Austria Group, Allente, Altibox, Astro, Elisa Estonia, Eutelsat, Liberty Global, Norlys, O2/Telefonica, ORS, Proximus, SES, Swisscom, TCC Uruguay, Tele2, TELUS, Vodafone and Yes. Broadcast customers include Blockbuster, Joyn (ProSiebenSat.1/Discovery), n-tv, ProSiebenSat.1, SUPER RTL (TOGGO), and Viacom, among others.

About Sagemcom

Thanks to the innovative solutions designed and built by our people, Sagemcom provides access to broadband Internet, entertainment and managed energy supply to the greatest number all over the world.

As a “mission-driven company” since January 2022, Sagemcom makes sure that the design, construction and use of these solutions are sustainable, and fulfil the environmental and societal commitments that are known and shared by all our employees, partners and stakeholders.

In LBO since its 2008 carve-out with Safran, Sagemcom group entered its fourth LBO in 2019, with Charterhouse as the majority shareholder. Sagemcom is 30% owned by its employees, achieves over €3 billion turnover, is world leader in its markets, has been profitable since it was founded, and has been growing continuously since 2016.


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