Tele Columbus AG: New product portfolio and offers for autumn: PYUR confirms current best value for money


Cable connection included, ancillary cost discount for pay-as-you-go customers

New product portfolio and offers for autumn:
PŸUR confirms current best value for money

– Cable connection included automatically with bundle tariffs

– Discount on ancillary leasing costs of € 10 for customers enrolled in the pay-as-you-go plan

– Autumn offers provide best conditions currently available on the market

Berlin, 21 September 2021. Tele Columbus AG is now rolling out even more attractive offers for its customers under the PŸUR brand as part of a realignment of its product portfolio. From now on, all bundle tariffs include a cable connection, so a separate cable contract is no longer needed. PŸUR customers enrolled in pay-as-you-go plans receive a monthly discount. There are also special autumn offers for Internet, TV and bundle tariffs.

Every new bundle tariff contract now automatically includes a cable connection, so there is no longer any need to book the CATV option in addition beforehand. This means PŸUR customers can enjoy HDTV with 26 private HD channels. The CI+ module to receive the private HD channels is already included in the package free of charge. An all-network flat rate plan for landline calls and calls to and from all German mobile networks is also included. A FRITZ!Box 6660 Cable delivers high-speed home Internet as an attractive add-on (free of charge for the first six months, then just € 3 per month). That’s another way to save – the suggested retail price is currently € 229.

All PŸUR customers enrolled in pay-as-you-go plans, in which TV charges are included in ancillary leasing costs, receive an additional ancillary leasing cost discount of € 10 a month. All this means the bundle tariffs for tenants enrolled in pay-as-you-go plans are only slightly higher than a single Internet connection rate, so tenants can secure an interruption-free, low-cost TV experience now, ahead of the phase-out of the current rule that ancillary TV costs can be passed through to renters.

Compared to an individual booking, the adjustment of available offers for bundle tariffs can save customers up to 20 percent, depending on the rate. The savings are even higher in the first six months, at more than 50 percent.

Autumn offers: Bundle tariffs and Internet starting at € 0, free HDTV trial

In addition to the lasting adjustments that have been made to the product portfolio, PŸUR is also running special introductory offers timed to coincide with the start of autumn. All bundles including HDTV and a flat-rate phone plan covering all networks with Internet speeds of 20, 200, 400, 500 and 1,000 Mbit/s are free of charge for the first six months of the contract. But even beyond that, customers can enjoy the best standard conditions currently available on the market.

Alongside the bundle offers, rates for standalone Internet service also include attractive benefits for new contracts. PŸUR customers will pay just € 10 per month for the first six months across all speed levels. The Pure Speed 200 rate, for example, offers the best value for money available on the market – plus, it’s twice as fast as comparable offerings.

TV fans can also watch to their hearts’ delight with these special offers for autumn. New 24-month contracts for the HDTV product include brilliant image quality, free of charge for the first six months. Customers are free to cancel their HDTV package with 26 private German channels at any time during the six-month trial period, or continue to use it once the offer runs out for just € 10 per month.

As another highlight, customers can try out up to 32 exclusive ad-free channels free of charge, risk-free, for six months during the promotional period by subscribing to PremiumTV Start or Premium TV Plus. The packages available offer great cinematic experiences, but that’s not all. There are also exciting series and documentaries, comedy, shows for kids and adults, sports, romance and lifestyle themes.

For more information on individual rates, please visit

About us

Tele Columbus AG is one of Germany’s leading fibre network operators which reaches more than 3 million homes. Via its brand PŸUR, the Company, offers high-speed internet including telephony and more than 250 TV channels. All of this via a digital entertainment platform that combines linear TV with video on demand entertainment. To its housing association partners the Tele Columbus Group offers tailored models of cooperation and state-of-the-art services such as telemetric and tenant portals. As a full-service partner for municipalities and regional utilities, the Company is actively supporting the fibre-based infrastructure and broadband internet expansion in Germany. For its business customers the Group offers carrier services and corporate solutions on its proprietary fibre network. Besides its headquarter in Berlin, the Company has offices in Hamburg, Leipzig, Ratingen and Unterföhring/Munich. Since January 2015, Tele Columbus AG is a stock listed company.


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