Strong ties with the housing industry
Tele Columbus AG’s Housing Association Advisory Board enables communication and exchange with the real estate sector and has a constructive influence on the ongoing strategic development of our business with property management companies.
Responsibilities of the Advisory Board
Contact with the housing industry
The Advisory Board is chaired by Lutz Freitag, the former long-standing president of the German housing industry association GdW. According to its charter, the Board’s purpose is to strengthen the relationship of trust between the housing industry and the Tele Columbus Group while building on existing contacts and intensifying exchange.
- Maintaining and strengthening contact with the housing industry
Housing industry representatives
The Advisory Board’s role is to support the company in all matters related to the housing industry while exercising an oversight function. It also keeps Tele Columbus informed of the housing industry’s needs and demands with regard to media services and marketing measures.
- Sounding board for housing industry concerns
- Information and oversight for Tele Columbus
A partnership of experts
The members of the Advisory Board get together with the management of Tele Columbus at up to four meetings a year. The Board consists of representatives from the various partner segments involved in providing media and internet services – from housing cooperatives, municipal housing associations and privately owned rental companies through to property management firms and housing industry associations.
- Regular joint meetings bringing experts together
Members of the Housing Association Advisory Board

Lutz Freitag
Chairman of the Housing Association Advisory Board
Lutz Freitag
- Former president of GdW Bundesverband deutscher Wohnungs- und Immobilienunternehmen
- Honorary chairman of the Board of Directors of DESWOS Deutsche Entwicklungshilfe für soziales Wohnungs- und Siedlungswesen e. V.
- Chairman of the Supervisory Board of GeWi Gebäudewirtschaft Eisenhüttenstadt
- Member of the Supervisory Board of Aareon AG
- Chairman of the Board of Trustees of EBZ Europäisches Bildungszentrum der Wohnungs- und Immobilienwirtschaft
- Chairman of the Board of Directors of Bundesversicherungsanstalt für Angestellte
- Chairman of the Executive Committee of Verband der Angestelltenkrankenkassen e.V.
- Member of the Federal Executive Committee of Deutsche Angestellten-Gewerkschaft
- Member of the Executive Committee of Verband Deutscher Rentenversicherungsträger
- Member of the German federal government’s Social Advisory Council
- Chairman of the Board of Directors of Norddeutscher Rundfunk
- Member of the Hamburg Parliament

Andreas Breitner
Member of the Housing Association Advisory Board
Andreas Breitner
- Director (Chairman) of Verband norddeutscher Wohnungsunternehmen e. V.
- Formerly minister of the interior of the state of Schleswig-Holstein
- Formerly mayor of the city of Rendsburg

Peter Bresinski
Member of the Housing Association Advisory Board
Peter Bresinski
- Managing director of Gesellschaft für Grund- und Hausbesitz mbH
- Chairman of Verband baden-württembergischer Wohnungs- und Immobilienunternehmen e.V.

Frank Kirchhoff
Deputy Chairman of the Housing Association Advisory Board
Frank Kirchhoff
- Managing director of allod Immobilien- und Vermögensverwaltungsges. mbH & Co. KG
- Member of the Board of Directors of BBA – Akademie der Immobilienwirtschaft e.V., Berlin
- Authorised signatory/Managing director of Hausverwaltung allod Immobilien- und Vermögensverwaltungsges. mbH & Co. KG

Ringo Lottig
Member of the Housing Association Advisory Board
Ringo Lottig
- Chairman of the Management Board of Chemnitzer Siedlungsgemeinschaft eG
- Member of the housing cooperatives working group of the GdW
- Member of the housing cooperatives with savings schemes working group of the GdW
- Chairman of the expert panel for projects and social responsibility of the VSWG
- Member of the Economic Council of the Bundesfachkommission Familienunternehmen and
- Mittelstand
Member of the Advisory Board of Aareon Deutschland GmbH
- Director, Aareal Bank AG

Dr. Christoph Wagner
Member of the Housing Association Advisory Board
Dr. Christoph Wagner
- Lawyer and notary, Berlin
- Partner at Morrison & Foerster LLP
- Expert for transactions in the media and telecommunications industry and for issues involving market access and digitalisation
- Lecturer on European media law at the University of Potsdam
- mabb Medienanstalt Berlin-Brandenburg
- European Commission
- European Parliament
- Member of the Commission on Concentration in the Media (KEK)

Florian Pannemann
Coordinator of the Housing Association Advisory Board
Florian Pannemann
- PŸUR – Director National Key Account & Cooperations